Online self-assessment

Online self-assessment

HMRC use self-assessment to collect tax from those people who own a business or receive income outside of formal employment. The deadline for online submission, which is etched on most people’s minds who have to do this, is 31 January 2018. Getting on with it as...
Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a great opportunity to help our clients improve accessibility to their accounting records and make life easier. At Evans & Partners we have been at the forefront of the digital revolution for over 8 years and have long recognised the...

Personal Tax Planning

The UK tax system provides various reliefs and allowances to encourage you to spend and invest in certain ways.  Being aware of these tax reliefs and using them correctly and effectively can help you save tax.  Of course, the tax system also imposes penalties to...
Making Tax Digital

Your Year End Tax Guide 2016/17

At Evans & Partners, we aim to keep our clients informed and help you to understand the tax planning opportunities available for you, your family and your business. As we approach the end of the tax year, we recommend a review of your tax affairs to make sure that...